Up at the Villa

A charming novella about a widowed socialite on holiday at her friend's villa in Florence, Italy. Not widowed for long Mary Panton has another potential husband on the horizon. Edgar Swift a life long friend of the family and quite the older man visits Mary at the villa to propose marriage before heading off on a business trip. Mary tells him she will give him an answer when he returns. Before he goes he leaves his revolver with her "just in case" she needs it for protection. Would you call that foreshadowing? I think I would.
Mary dines out with some friends at a restaurant where they listen to an untalented musician that plays folk music for them. Her friend tries to set her up and so introduces her to Rowley Flint a single man with a rowdy reputation. She offers to drive him to his hotel. While on the way he makes a pass and proposes to her. She rejects him and laughs about it but says goodnight. Along her drive home she runs into the violinist from the restaurant and they get to talking and she invites him back to the villa to look at the artwork. Oh Mary what have you done? You might say things don't go so well.
I read this book earlier this year for Dewey's Read-A-Thon but just now posting a review. A good choice since it was short and read in one sitting.
This is book #2 in my Classics Club Book Challenge. Classics Club Page
How this book was acquired: Purchased earlier this year while visiting Monterey, California at Old Capitol Books bookstore.
Shelf Life: 8 months