The Rules of Engagement

The Rules of Engagement - Anita Brookner

This book has been on my shelf for years. Recently I made an intentional TBR stack choosing mostly those that have been on my shelf for three or more years. I seemed to be in the habit of reading my most recent acquisitions.  But I digress . . .


The best way to describe this book is that it seemed the epitome of the English in all their demeanor, mannerisms, and utmost restraint.  It is the story of two women named Elizabeth one of which narrates to us, while the other she refers to as her friend Betsy.  They meet at school when they are young and remain lifelong friends.  When in their 30's Betsy has met her love in Paris while Elizabeth meets the older Digby and settles into a mediocre but safe life and must live with the effect of it's outcome.



While there is really no plot to this story it is not a light read by any means. The true gem of this book is the remarkable writing itself and how perfectly the author describes Elizabeth's every reasoning behind her every thought and action as if we are truly in her head. The intimacy we gain with this character is amazing.  Ms. Brookner's tone is rather somber yet soothing to read.  I will be reading more by this author and I would recommend this only to those who truly appreciate the written word.


How I acquired this book:  Barnes & Noble clearance shelf

Shelf life:  Approximately 5 years.