The Red Tent

The Red Tent - Anita Diamant

A biblical tale and fictional account based on the story of Dinah from Genesis.  The only daughter born to Jacob and Leah (first wife) of the Old Testament is narrated in the voice of Dinah through the stories of her mother and aunts.


Dinah grows up in The Red Tent where the women of Jacob gather for childbirth, healing and their monthly cycles.  Each aunt lovingly tells her story in order pass knowledge and teach Dinah the history and lessons that came before her.  Here she learns the dynamics of how these women get along as well as the obstacles they've faced.  To say these women had it difficult is the supreme understatement. From her beautiful aunt Rachel she learns midwifery and discovers she has a genuine calling so much so that she is sought out from others and thus brings value to her tribe.  We are witness to Dinah's coming of age, falling in love and her life's journey bringing her full circle.


Ultimately a women's read, I found this story dense with emotion and at times intense.  One of the most satisfying stories I've ever read. While this book sat on my shelf for nearly a decade I admit I felt somewhat put off by the subject matter all the while hearing high acclaim for it.  I'm sorry I let it sit so long but it's a relief to have it off the TBR stack  shelf. I give this book the highest recommendation and am happy to have already passed it on to a book club member.


How I acquired this book: Passed to me by my friend Jackie.

Shelf life: 10+ years